Interventional Radiologist
Date of procedure:
[ ]
Treatment of compression fracture at [ ] .
Sarel Gaur MD
Versed IV: [ ] ml total
Fentanyl IV: [ ] ml total
Fluoro time:
[ ] minutes
Access site(s):
[ ] Level
Kyphon Kyphoplasty Kit
Technique and Findings:
[The patient was placed under general anesthesia by the anesthesia department and then placed into the prone position.
The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Lidocaine was given for local anesthesis.
Using biplane fluoroscopic guidance and a trans pedicle approach a 12 gauge cannula was placed into the [ ] vertebral body via a left pedicle.
The 2nd cannula was then placed into the [ ] vertebral body via a right trans pedicle approach.
Curettage was then performed via both cannulas to create a cavity in the vertebral body.
The kyphoplasty balloons were then insufflated to augment the vertebral body and create a cavity within the vertebral body for cement administration.
The augmentation balloons were then deflated and removed.
Through the cannulas, Kyphon bone cement was then infused under fluoroscopic guidance.
The cannullas were then removed.
Patient was placed in the supine position and cared for by the anesthesia department.
The patient was transported to the recovery area is stable conditions.
Maximal Sterile Barrier Technique was used including: Cap/mask/sterile gown/gloves/large sterile sheet. Hand hygiene/2 % chlorhexidine for cutaneous antisepsis
Successful Kyphoplasty at [ ] Level(s).
Plan or Recommendations:
No specific recommendations.