Interventional Radiologist
A short note re. a laser atherectomy i did with LGM
pt had a L SFA and pop supera stent which thrombosed
was lysed overnight with tpa
continued hard intrastent thrombtic material in the pop segment
in this case, apparently, for in stent resstenosis which is not resonding to angiojet
can use atherectomy device
in this cased used laser atherectomy
basically advanced a sheath to the apex of the lesion in the pop
crossed lesion with 018 steelcore wire and put tip in the trifurcation vessels
then advanced a "laser catheter" on the wire
the tip has a "laser" on it
the laser burns tissue
you have to conintusously drip saline through a tuohy adaptor whilst using the laser
so you basially turn the laser on and then cross the lesion 3 times
we also used a Drug coated ballon- the lutonix from Bard
basically a long balloon, inflate it in the lesion for 3 minutes and then take down
do repeat run
see how it goes
one of a very few times doing PAD during fellowship
how to do arterial lysis of thrombosed leg graft
clincal scenario:
3 month old L thigh CFA-pop bypass graft occluded
start R
up and over
access R CFA
do omniflush run
cross up and over using omniflush and long bentson
can also try stiff glide if bentson doesn't go
getting across can be difficult
once get wire purchase in L CFA or SFA or Profunda
advance 6F sheath curved
there are a few, some are preferred over others
track the sheath over the wire
sometimes its difficult to track
can use the dilator trick- push sheath off dilator and then catch dilator up - JMitch trick
get sheath into L CFA
in this case, did angiography of entire leg (run off the entire leg) thru the sheath
in this case, crossed through occluded graft using angled catheter and wire
can use mult combos, usu angled glide cath and stiff glide or or glide advantage can be successful
once cross thru occluded graft, get into tibial vasculature
be careful to not perforate these vessels
exchange for infusion catheter, unifuse, decide infusion length
hook up infusion catheter to 1cc / hr TPA
hook up sheath sidearm to 300U heparin / hr
send to ICU for monitoring for bleeding
bleeding at site is likely
shut off TPA if fibrinogen < 150 or <100
How to do an SFA plasty + shtent
leraned this ish on a simulator, jus like real life tho
start off with omni flush catheter- this allows to do a flush aortogram + get up and over with the bif
get a bentson up into the Abd Ao
chase with the omni flush
pull the wire out do your pigtail run
now just hang a bit of wire out
gently pull the catheter and wire down to engage the contra lat (L if R access) common iliac
now advance wire
try to get wire purchase in external and then CFA or SFA, sometimes you'll keep going into internal
can use glide if need help
chase with catheter
can switch up to stiffer wire like amplatz or rosen at this point to track sheath
if sheath doesn't go easily, can do this: push sheath off dilator, catch dilator up and then rinse repeat
oncce get sheath up to the CFA, do a run
evaluate the SFA lesion and eval the relationship to DFA / profunda. Don't want to jail off profunda with shtent
using an angled cath and a stiff or reg angled tip glidewire, negogiate the SFA lesion
once get across can either chase with catheter and switch ot heavier wire or stay with that wire (glide)
then get balloon across, can start small like 3-4 mm
then get up to nominal size of vessel maybe like 6 mm
then can track stent delivery device over
careful with positioning relative to DFA
depoloy stent
do post stent plasty with same size balloon as stent
do post run
pull stuff out and then close groin, preferably with Perclose- nice device
R SFA stent occlusion recan- with RR MD (VS)
had pt with R SFA occlusive lesion, sp 130 mm 7 mm dia viabahn placement 1 yr prior, had sl runoff (PT)
pw loss of PT pulse
?occluded stent
came down for angio
Started L groin micro
5F sheath
contra pigtail to renal level- Abd Aortogram
bring cath down gently to break the bif, then send out wire - RR wire of choice is glidewire advantage aka GWA, aka ZB wire
if having difficulty selecting external iliac, can oblique tube and redo run
likes to get wire into CFA and then bring catheter down and run off leg through pigtail as well- thigh, knee, tibials, and foot in lateral
then pull off catheter and sheath and advance 6F long sheath (ansel i think) to R CFA
likes to work with Quickcross catheter
for 018 system like 018 quickcross and V18 wire i think
for this particular case, did ballooning of occluded stent
proved SL PT runoff to foot with occlusion at level of foot
ballooned close to DFA- caused thrombosis of DFA requiring ballooning of this vessel
eventually ended case and started heparin gtt after closure
likes starclose for closure
i would prefer perclose
Basics of PAD:
did a case solo around 2/2019
L LE rest pain and heel pain
access R, up and over
use contra flush, do angiogram aorta
break the cath over the bif using bentson or glide to get down into L CFA
advance the flush to the CFA and do a runoff, have an exp tech just do this for you, down to the foot
decice where you going to treat
switch for exch length stiff amplatz, plant this in the SFA, then get an up and over sheath, 6F- 7F (depending on what size baloons and stents)
advance the sheath