Interventional Radiologist
Case 1
CT imaging confirms a lobular mass in the left upper lobe with primary lung neoplasm the main differential. PET-CT and/or CT guided biopsy can further characterize the lesion.
Case 2
Oblique axial MIP image of a CT Coronary angiogram at the level of the coronary takeoffs.
The Right and Left coronary artery share the same sinus of valsalva with the left coronary taking a malignant course between the Aorta and Pulmonary Artery.
The Left main is prone to squeezing during exertion and can result in acute ischemia and sudden death.
Coronary unroofing or CABG is tx.
Case 3
The black signal in the central canal is artifact related to CSF flow. As the CSF flows around the cord, it creates signal voids which show up as signal dropoutl in the other white (on T2W images) CSF.
Novice radiologists can be confused by this artifactual finding.
The artifact is more common in younger patients with capacious canals or older patients at sites of central canal stenosis.