Interventional Radiologist
Lumbar Puncture / Myelogram:
How to do a fluoro guided Lumbar Puncture
by sgmd
as done by LB DO Neuroradiologist
review prior imaging: MR, CT
*for myelo, want to put contrast into thecal sac to look at nerve roots, possibly rule out dural tear
LB likes pt. prone
he prefers going between spinous processes at the l2-l3 level, can also go in the interlaminar space
pt. prone on table
use metal marker and marking pen to find the l2-l3 level
use the natural longitudinal line in the patients back as help
Can move tube and I.I. from PA to lateral to check needle position (how deep needle is within patient)
clean skin, prep skin, drape skin
use two needles for lido, one superficial, one deep, inject lido as your withdraw and make sure to numb deep
advance needle through spinous processes, want to drive needle right between spinous processes
spinous processes are angled, you can tilt tube, radiator goes cranial, I.i goes caudal, this helps you look down the barrel of the spinous processes
can check on lateral to see if between spinous processes
sometimes hit the edge of the lamina and have to "walk off the bone into thecal sac
once in the sac, if no return of fluid when removing stylet, can ask pt. to valsava or lower feet to help csf flow
take samples now
if doing myelogram:
then take 20 cc syringe filled with contrast attached to tubing ( no bubbles **)
when csf flush to the hub, attach tubing
inject 12 cc of contrast as per LB, slowly about 1-2 cc/ sec
take fluoro shots to save the image of the myelogram
then remove needle and place ban aid
procedure compete
send for CT
As per JF
Helpful to have kyphon guy around
For single level bipedicular approach
Localize level using biplane fluoro. Want to see end on appearance of the pedicles. Can mag up if needed.
Prep and drape.
Use towel holder device to mark sites for trocar needle advancement.
Give lidocaine, advance needle to pedicle and give local at this site.
Start with side closest you, usually left.
Make skin nick.
Start with 12G trocar needle (stylet-cannula device). The stylet may be diamond tipped or beveled
Using sterile hammer, guide trocar needle down pedicles and into vertebral body. Take time, use biplane fluoro for guidance. Avoid medial placement and injury to central canal. Want slight angulation of cannulas toward midline. Want to avoid cranial or caudad angulation on lateral. Use towel clamp to change angle of cannulas.
Once have cannula well seated within vertebral body (both sides for bipedicular), can create cavity using gun like device
Use device to carve out space medially.
Once cavity is created, can perform height augmentation.
Fill up insufflation devices with dilute contrast, purge air from device.
Attach to specifc port on balloon device.
Advance balloons through cannulas and insufflate for 2-3 minutes.
Make cement mixture
Pour cement into mixer, add liquid from the glass bottle, mix virgorously for 30 sec-1 min
The device will then fill two capsules worth of cement. The device is set up with multiple luer connectors which you can figure out
Use plunger to fill both capsules with cement. Have to work relatively quickly.
Using the cement infusion device, attach cement capsule.
Pump up device to increase pressure and start infusing cement into cavities under fluoro guidance
Want to fill cavity and interstices of fracture without extrav’ing cement. Of note, more runny cement has more chance of causing nontarget embolization which is known complication.
After satifsfied with cement infusion, remove all devices from patient.
Take post image and store.
For post procedure, neuro checks are needed for slim possibility of causing cord or cauda equina injury.
lumbar epidural steroid injection
CG method
loc l3-l4 level on biplane
advance 22g spinal through interspinous or interlaminar line
watch on lateral
want to get to spinolaminar line
attach glass syringe and put pressure to compress air
when air decompresses, you are within epidural space
if you get CSF- your in too deep
inject contrast- you should see epidural lining
should see some filing defects- air you injected
injected steroid mixture - various mixtures out there
pull needle and done
can do air phase if wanted