Interventional Radiologist
How to place IVC filter
Use Cook Gunther Tulip IVC filter kit
Specific Jugular access or Femoral access, kit is different and could place IVC filter wrong way ( has happened to famous attendings)
For femoral approach, V/S style
Typical indication inability to anticoagulate d/t trauma/head bleed and DVT and/or PE
Prep and drape R groin
Lidocaine anesthesia
Access R CFV using micropuncture, demarcate inf. Aspect of femoral head or iden SFJ
Slide bentson wire up into IVC
Advance 10F dilator over wire
Advance 8.5 french sheath-dilator over wire into IVC near junction of iliacs
Want to shoot a run at this level ie cavagram to identify anatomy at level of renal veins (can also review prior imaging)
How to use CO2 for venography (story within story like Arabian Nights)
Co2 tank comes into room
Use two sterile IV tubings piggybacked
Use 60 cc luer lock syringe to fill with CO2
Use 3 way stopcock on syringe
Basically ask RT to expel some Co2
Fill syringe (60) with Co2 2-3 times and purge, then fill up and lock (can use finger or flowswitch)
Through sidearm of sheath, get blood return back
Then infuse Co2 and shoot cavagram DSA
Check anatomy, will see inflow from renals
Make plan for placement at level of vertebrae, usually sup aspect L2
Advance sheath to level of placement
Advance IVC filter through sheath
Goal is to unsheathe filter and then deploy
When have filter at correct level, pull sheath back while keeping filter in place
To deploy filter, click safety and then press large button on filter device
Can shoot repeat DSA cavagram post placement
Remove all components from groin
Hold pressure till hemostasis
Case end
Cook IFU and website are very informative
laser assisted IVC Filter removal
Laser assited IVC filter removal
Goal is to use laser sheath as a form of circumferential tissue ablation to knock off the fibrin sheath encasing the cranial aspect of the filter
Access RIJ same as for placement
Wires to use include bentson, amplatz, might need glide if going past obs
Do a cavagram initially using pigtail cath below filter to check for thrombus etc, whatever, prolly still will go forward kinda thing
Upsize to a fat 18F sheath with air filled valve
-fill valve with air to decrease blood loss, take out air when adding items to sheath
advance “laser” sheath through 18F sheath (believe its 14F)
advance snare- EN or Loop- through 14F laser sheath
goal is to trap filter apical hook
addt’l step that can be used:
loop snare technique: use reverse curve cath or omni flush to hook caudal aspect of filter, pass glidewire through, snare glidewire into sheath and pull out and then grab filter by the horns by grabbing both free ends of the glidewire, use this in combination with laser sheath
once have filter apical hook
advance laser sheath down
hit laser pedal, can always ask rep for help
the laser burns apparently like microns at each go
laser is on for 10s only
slow caudal pressure on sheath while laser is on
should see sheath slowly collapsing filter
at some pint filter is ‘free” (like I once was)
pull sheath to check for filter out intactness
now can do repeat cavagram to ass ess for possible ivc injury
if present, not sure what to do other than inflat ebaloon and possibly covered stent if needed but size would have to be humongous
could do prolonged inflation to tamp hole
ok case end
how to place IVC F tips
in order to decrease tilt
when you releas the filter, as for Cook Celect
when unseheathing, you should almost be leaning back
do not push forard
even if it seems that you are not pushing forward (kinda a crazy trick)
have to "lean back"
that way it deploys straight
saw this work
as per IB, if the filter is straighter, it will filtrate the IVC better and be more effective
its physics man
be careful in HD pts, your wire may not be where you think it is
half the battle is dealing witha f**** attending over your head - sg
how to remove IVCF
aka IVCF-R
per IB
use cook retreival kit
its a coaxial sheath with a loop snare catheter-wire
the sheath has multiple sidearms, just fluhs them and lock with clave caps (IB does it)
get access, do a cavagram
get the snare down to the top o fthe filter
mag up
you want to snare the apical hook]
ift its embedded in tissueyou wont be able to snare it
you want to snare just the hook
once you have the hook, hold tension on the loop and then push the catheter forward
this makes the snare device in a closed config with the hook snared
then tighten the pin vice onthe wire (loop snare wire)
this saves the wire position
then retract on the snare catheter adn then you can lock the tuohy
this locks the snare catheter in a cephalad retraction direction
then you have to serially advance the sheaths to colalpse the filter
you can spin the sheaths to dissect thru the tissue
eventually you may have to pull really hard to collpase the filter and pull it out
after filter out you want to do a cavagram
you may see IVC spasm
if you see a tear you want to advance a large balloon down there and tamp it
however that would be extremel rare to see
how to drop a filter (like its hot) by SGMD bya
RIJ stick
145 cm aplatz down to LCIV- put curve on the wire first
go straight to kit- cook celect is my fav right now
advance sheath dilator down to L CIV
do cavogram thru dilator
position filter apex at crus of the inflows of renal veins
mark it on the screen
pull out dilator, advance filter sheath
get it tip to tip
lock it
pull back while holding back tension
keep safety off - my thing
once it looks like drop it like its hot
do a followup cavagram thru the sheath
pull out and donezo
how its done son
advanced filter retreival tips:
do loop snare
use omin flush exch length glide, 1-2cm snrae to grab wire one across filter
when have both ends of the wire, use kelly to grasp both and then TWIST
keep twisting to one direction, this will straighten out system and provide severe axial tension to help pull filter out
carefulbecuase you can break pieces of filter off- did this on 4/3/2017
often when you break pieces off, apex becomes free and can snare it again
IVCF placement - greenfield
for pts who need lifelong filtration
12F sheath i tlbeive
its pretty much same
the sheath has a aerostatic valve that you have to twist and lock
you advance the filter introducer through the sheath and screw it togehter
then while holding the system still, you use the lock to unlock and then release the filter