Interventional Radiologist
Microcatheter-microwire combinations:
some good choices:
Progreat 2.8F and included wire which is a glidewire GT (terumo product)
BosSci renegade Hi flo- lots of academic institutions seem to like this
per MH, best choice which has never failed him:
Cook Cantata 2.9 micro with Synchro super soft wire (stryker neurovascular wire)
soft enought to get through tons of loops
When using microcatheters- keep in mind the internal diameter
if not well matched to the embolization product, ie coil diameter, could have product exit into cathter and screw up you case
detachable or pushable
trend is towards detachable as its more precise, idea coming from neurovascular (another trend)
good detachable coils:
Terumo hydrocoils
Azur Cx (cross sectional) has a loop that is transverse to the plane of the previous
Framing coil: per rep good for framing but not good for actual embolization. framing means providing a network for other coils to form better. this coil is set to be a big bird's nest
to deploy coil, ask for "cucumber" or "pickle" and place distal wire end into opening
hold the wire in place
pusht he button
there will be abeeping sequence
if the detacher errors out, means there is heme or contrast on tip, wipe with wet sponge
pushable coils:
Nesters and Tornado, Cook
tornados are tapered like a well tornado
useful for avms
dont ever forget we dumped $30k of coils in a 8 d old with MH and cured him/her of a periumbilical AVM