Interventional Radiologist
how to detach ruby coils
might seem basic but a Vasc Surgeon once asked me
Make sure to have detacher placed on table
have microcatheter in vessel of targetendoleak embolization
remove microwire from microcatheter
keep in mind coil placement could push microcatheter out so have a solid position of catheter
take coil from coil pack
the front end will have a small french size sheath that goes in the microcatheter
the back end is a wire with markings on it
find back end of sheath and start pushing the wire forward through the sheath
the wire should go smoothly with some points of resistance as it travels into the microcatheter
once reach end of wire, remove sheath and place on table. might need to re-use
advance wire to end of microcath and watch under fluoro
if using Ruby, should see coil forming at the catheter level
of note use standard coil initially as scaffold and pack multiple soft coils after
achieve desired coil placement and configuration. can back coil out and re insert to form different configurations. can use coil as wire to move catheter position slightly as well
once have desired coil position and configuration, detach coil
check detacher function by pulling back clicker and should hear solid click
place back end of wire into detacher and click back
pull free end of coil back under fluoro and check to see if coil remains
if detacher not working correctly, can detach coil manually (off label) by bending back end of wire back and forth till it breaks, finding a small filament and breaking the filament
pull out wire. take wire and sheath and fold up-> tarsh it
after coil placement, can wait a few minutes to thrombose vessel and then do contrast injection under fluoro or hand run
JF method Endoleak Embolization
pt. has AAA s/p endovascular exclusion device
different types of endoleak
type 2 is common
meaning excluded sac is filling by lumbar artery or IMA
this can be seen as enlargement of the excluded sac
or by actually visualizing contrast opacification of the sac on CTA or duplex US
use CT and fluoro guidance
direct sac puncture technique
using greb set (15 cm 21 g trocar needle, 5F dilator-sheath, microwire (018 wire)
using CT guidance, access the excluded sac. Go in place along psoas, to the left or right of the midline (pt will be prone)
once successfully accessed with 5F sheath transfer to fluoro
Under fluoro will be using a 4 or 5F glidecath angled tip to do procedure. Can use Bentson or Glidewire
Goal of procedure is to access areas of the excluded sac and try to demonstrate flow, either through injection under fluoro or hand DSA run
Once have catheter within region of flow, can infuse embolic agent.
Of note, can use 130 cm progreat microcath-microwire to interrogate different areas of the sac as well
if can cannulate near the actual feeding artery and identify, this is ideal to produce definitive embolization
however, if cannot access feeding vessel directly, secondary goal is to increase pressure within sac using multiple embolic agents
embolic agents:
gelfoam: create gelfoam slurry using contrast and infuse through catheter to reduce flow
coils: can use Ruby detachable coils or POD coils. Can use large diameter and length to create embolic "scaffold"
Onyx: good agent to end the case with. In order to use, have microcatheter tip in desired location. infuse DMSO into catheter (this prevents the agent from sticking to the catheter). Then infuse onyx as 1 cc injections. Do intermittent fluoro in order to check onyx infusion and desired placement. Do not want to over-infuse and produce nontarget embolization outside of sac
once desired result is achieved, can do some angled fluoro saves to capture extent of embolization
once completed, remove all catheters and wires and hold pressure at site till hemostasis.
Renal arteriogram +/- embolization
to evaluate possible renal artery bleeding, pseudoaneurysm, AVF, or other reno-vascular lesion
possible scenarios:
post partial nephrectomy with hematuria
hematuria with pain
lesion on CTA
post nephrostomy with hematuria in bag
obtain RCFA access using micropuncture and place 5F vascular sheath with sidearm
start with 4F cobra catheter, bentson wire (have glidewire on table)
Go to renal artery, L1-L2 level, inf. to SMA
try to cannulate ostium
perform hand infusion to confirm
hook up for angiographic run, 4 for 8
consider prior to performing run augmenting c arm for better picture, ie adjust cranio caudad, mag or other
analyze images for abnormality
to perform further intervention can use 130 cm progreat microcath-microwire
keep in mind renal artery is end organ and can lose renal function
subsection: how to exclude PSA using onyx
neurovascular techniques
unsure of exact catheters and sheaths
using a 6F intermediate catheter in the AA
can use two microcath through above cath
can perform baloon assisted onyx embolization to exclude PSA without losing renal function (as opposed to coils)
goal is to place adequate sized baloon across lesion ostium
then cannulate lesion
then inflate baloon
then infuse onyx, keeping in mind to infuse to endpoint without nontarget embolization
then deflate baloon
perform post angiographic run
Re. Penumbra Ruby Detachable coils
sometimes if you want to retrive a coil into the sheath, the coil can unbekownst to you, deploy into the catheter and possibly nontarget embolize
saw this once, planned embo of Inf Epi Art and coil prolapsed and fell into Profunda femoris (could have trashed foot if went in SFA)
use Amplatz Gooseneck snare device to retrieve, in that case was successful
need to make sure snare size is approp
To get up and over iliac bifuraction:
use reverse curve cath and Bentson vs. Glide
Rev Curve: SosS2, Cobra/ GlideCobra, simmons, contra
Arterial Anatomy:
Check barbeau, access L radial, place 4-5 Glidesheath slender Terumo
advance J tip Glide preloaded on 125 cm Impress or other angled catheter
Use catheter to snag the Internal iliacs, can start on right
instead of doing runs, do fluoro saves uses small puffs of contrast
can now advance micro, prefer 2.9F cantata cook micro and double angle GT Glide 018
use roadmap or fluoro save to access uterine artery
get microcath past cervicovaginal branches, usually on horizontal portion of artery
embolize with particles, prefer 500-700 embospheres, x 1-2 vials, per side
do post fluoro save, remmber to pull bac micro so can show reflux into internal iliac
pull all out and close L radial with TR band
other post orders include zofran IV, tordol IV, phenergan suppository
d/c meds are oxy, docusate, phenergan, and zofran i beleive
Bronchial Artery Embolization (BAE)
review preprocedure CT
find landmarks to investiagte with catehter
get 5F sheath R groin
use 5F mikaelson cath over 035 bentson
investigate with mik and contrast
can first do flush aortogram with flush pigtail
once get access to vessel, use micro, such as renegade and transcend
embolize with 3-500 micrno particles, embospheres
Femoral UFE SD
R groin access 5 F sheath
use omni flush / contra flush to get over bif, use bentson
exch for RUC catheter
you sorta form this at the apex fo the bif
sorta hard for me to do
when you torque a catheter, you dont just twist it, you advance and twist (per JM)
if you just twist and twist you can tie that up in a knot (BAD*** been there done that)
you sorta wiggle it into the Internal Iiliac
from there do some obliquing and find the uterine, usu has tons of flow
get the micro in there, spin the wire and it finds the highest flow (IB techn)
get micro out into horizontal, want to be past the cervicovaginal branches
use 5-700 micron beads, look for stasis
SD infusion method: slow steady stream, hold the stopcok infuser sidways to get even mix of beads and saline/contrast (gangsta style gun hold method)
if the ute is huge gonna take lots of cans (4-5 vials can happen)
to switch over to other II, push catheter out into aorta and then wiggle it back into ipsilateral II
takes a bit of maneuvering
DO NOT TWIST AND TIWST- you will tie it in a knot and be f'd
always advance and retract while torquing
close with vascade
nuthin else to say
can be used to redistribute flow to a desired distribution and away from an undesirable place
for example, want to direct flow to a hepatic tumor
embolize the portion that is distal- can use gelfoam
nice trick - seen in it used in chemoembolization
RUC cath - purple UAC catheter
once inside II, puff forward to find uterine
TRICK: when using microwire microcatheter
use just the microwire- GT glidewire preferred
if you advance the GT glide first thru the base catheter (UAC)
99% of the time pER IB, it will find the right vessel, due to flow dynamics and preference for flow
the wire will be like the blood and go to the sump of arterial flow - the fibroids
can then track microcatheter over the wire but be careful
theorteical risk of the microwire embolizing somewhere as a intravasc foreign body, unlikely though
proceed similar to others with embolization 5-700 micron embospheres
do aortogram with catheter just under renals to exclude ovarian arterial supply
of note, use "physiologic" doses of nitroglycerin IA: meaning 800 micrograms each side, the HR drops
"what you know about vectors Doctor?"
"Doctor? Doctor?"
take a tevdek sharp end to a needle driver protected
advance just the amtount of the first curve of a sim1 into the cahter
advnce the catherer over a wire
pull the wire till its tip to tip with the cath
now pull the suture to form the sim
once its formed, pull the wire back
then pull the suture out
that should be it
GDA embo:
track a micro out to the R Gastro epiploic
coil that shit back
make sure you dont prolapse into the common hepatic
3-6 mm coils, can use detachable terumo Azurs Cx or whatev
remember endoscopy is really a first choice modality. figure out why they can't go with endoscopy first
BAE (bronchial artery embo)
fungal disaese
things to think about
is it truly massive- definitions vary. 200 cc is a reasonable cutoff
HD stable?
hgb stable?
active type and screen- blood products avail
airway secure? should we call anesthesia?
do we know what side? does the pt know what side?
is there a CTA? can we get one? What is the GFR?
Is there a previous bronch?
can a bronch be performed?
Ovarian Vein Embolization
for pelvic venous congestion
had pt on 8/1
had pelvic pain
had MRV with enlarged L parautereine veins
did with JR
R jug entry
use JB1 cath with glide and bentson
cath L renal- L gonadal
once down and do venogram, advance 5F sheath
examine images and decide how to sclero and embo the veins
to inject scerolsant- infuse contrast to decide volume, something like 1-2 cc
then clear cath of contrast
infuse the scerlosant- 3% sotradecol foam (air sotra, no lipiodol per JR)
finuse about 1 cc of sclersant
then chase with contrast
as soon as see contrast, stop
then coil the vein
oversizing is preferred, for ex for 5 mm vessel, use 8 mm coil
place a few coils, then repeat the venogram to see where to go next
keep chasing some veins until you feel you have embo'd most
then place plug device
again oversize, 5 mm - use 8 mm plug
can also investigate R ovarian vein
Can also investigate internal iliac venous supply- controversial whether to treat upfront
follow up in 1 mth- check for symptoms
Ovarian vein embo
did one around11/25/2017
intresting case with bleeding into adnexal asbscess ? fistula to colon
to cath ovarian artery
use mik- angioD preferred
use CTA to find landmarks and then "fish"
front, back, side to side, investiagte all 360degree of aorta at as many levels as possible
you will finally hit the target
then hold that still and advance micro with GTglide
in this case, i used particles, i suppose you could use whatever
Splenic Artery EMbo for trauma JR style
use cath to get into celiac- likes SIM1 and Sos
use micro to get out into splenic - like 2.8F progreat with preloaded wire - coils are fine through it
decide prox or distal and decide where to start - can do cominbation if really want
to set upa coil pack- use a large coil, sig overized to create a nest - use detachable like interlock
then start shooting in smaller coils, still overized to splenic 1-2 mm to plug up the nest
when do your initial angiograms, may see some bleeding past pack initially but it will likely embolize after time
thats it
other ways to do it
if can get a glidewire out into splenic can consider switching for ampltaz and then advancing 5F sheath into spelnic
then can shut down vessel with nice size vascular plug
then can consider shutting down access site with proglide
Splenic Artery embo: way i did it around 12/2017
cath right groin
5F glide cobra to celiac
2.8F progreat
spin it into the splenic
pick a spot between DPA and PM (dorsal pancreatic and panc magna)
embolize with interlocks - use like 2-3
post embo imaging
thats it
things to think about with embolization, cathereizing small vessels:
use the tRANSCEND wire. theres a reason that DK used it all the time. It works. used it around 6/2018 with great success. of note was using a dubsangle GT glide and it didn't work. you would like hydrophilic wires would be better
AR2 catheter from cardiology. Good for celiac cath. basically a right angle catheter with the tip ointing straight
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome / Gonadal Vein Embolization
do renal venogram, ? L gonadal vein reflux
if dont see, still cath L gonadal vein using glide and perform venogram
good practice to switch over exchange bentson for 5F sheath and use JB1 thru sheath
catheter tip about S1-S2 level (1st sacral arcuate line)
start with 3% STS foam (or STS liquid + ctrst, 2 ml STS to 0.5 ml contrast) and infuse
to use foam, first fill with ctrst
then infuse foam, displacing the contrast
then quickly (have on table already) place a coil
usually 8-10 mm size, do not undersize for risk of migration
then consider addt'l coil higher up in L gonadal, approx L4 level or so
consider placing vascular plug
do post imaging / venography
then consider eval of other veins: R IIV, L IIV
R gonadal - probe just at the inferior junction of R renal vein and IVC
probe with JB1 and glide
if small and not refluxing, will be hard to cannulate
then done