Interventional Radiologist
CT Guided Biopsy:
Review prior imaging, identify region of interest
Do prelim scan in region of interest
With IR tech, identify area of interest and place straws on patient. Keep L and R straight as often confusing what is R and L on screen and on the patient
Rescan with straws on with short z axis
Pick entry spot (ie 2nd straw from medial)
Go to patient, mark spot, use laser light from CT to mark transverse line
Remove straws
Pull patient from scanner
Prep patient site, drape
Lidocaine anesthesia, use long needle for deep numbing if needed
Knick skin with scalpel
Use 17 gauge access cannula with stylet to access lesion. Look at CT image and keep similar angle to intended path to target
When feel close to lesion, scan again. Pull back stylet to prevent streaking at target
Can keep readjusting until feel you are safely at the target site
When at target, remove stylet, and insert 18 gauge biopince. Once cocked, adjust throw (1-3 cm)
Take specimen, remove and place on slide, review with cytotechnologist
If adequate, take 3-5 cores
Remove all instruments, scan again to document any findings
Place sterile dressing
how to do a lung biopsy JF
Make sure patient consented not just for biopsy but for possible chest tube insertion
review prior imaging, think about supine vs. prone, vs. lateral decubitis etc
when the patient on the table, CALL CYTO**
loc the nodule on CT
place straws on patient
scan again, decide which straw to mark and what cross section
start the approach the usu fashion
prep, drape, numb superficial and deep
make sure you think about R and L and how the CT image may be flipped relative to your angle of view of the patient (R of image of may not be your right side)
make skin nick
advance starting with a coaxial 18 gauge biopsy needle (francine tip i beleive)
this part may be difficult, working through ribs and through the window, decide where to access the lesion (periphery, the meat of it, etc)
once you have accessed the lesion, use the 21 gauge 15 cm needle (percucut) through the 18 gauge
use the depth marker- JF likes to put around 12.5 cm, so needle is just past 18 gauge access needle
insert needle, attach syringe, use the suction lock or apply continuous suction yourself. if your aspirating air, you are not within the lesion
when have bloody aspirate, take the entire system (needle and syringe) hand to cytotech
if aspirates are not fruitful, look at imaging again, consider mild angulation of access needle cranial, caudal, medial, lateral to obtain more sample
usually 3-4 FNA are desired
obtain final 18 gauge FNA on way out
scan full lungs to exclude PTX
apply sterile dressing
dc patient to OPHA.
If no PTX- dc in 1.5 hours
if decent size PTX to follow: start with CXR either stat and T+2hrs or just T+2hrs
AM Technique:
use Temno Evolution 18 gauge sidecut needle
document tissue within sidenotch of device prior to obtaining core biopsy
produces a robust 18 gauge by 10 cm core in a safe (relative to biopince) system
Special Considerations:
Lower lobe biopsies: lung will move a lot with breathing. Want to develop consistent system for biopsy.
Have patient take small breath in and out and then hold it. Have patient repeat this during instrumentation and prior to intraprocedural CT imaging
Addt'l tip have to ensure patient does not move from time marking patient to performing biopsy
be cognizant of artifcats obscuring view of needle tip during needle placement scans
Bone Marrow Biopsy
Guthrie style
use 11G green needle- coaxial system
the path of entry is the long axis of the iliac bones at level of SI joint, on CT
do prelim scan
mark spot
prep, drape
numb to bone- periosteum
advance needle to bone
then dig into bone, 1-2 cm
check on CT
remove stylet
aspirate blood and marrow
then take 2 cm core by spinning
spin on the way out
hold pressure and done
US Guided Targeted Liver Bx:
can be very challenging
good spots are L lobe subxiphoid
or under R ribcage
be very careful to sample appropriately- have had negative biopsies even though imaging appears that needle skewered the lesion
think about getting a safe biopsy from a small lesion vs. getting a slightly less safe biopsy from an area of definitive tumoral involvement- dont want to repeat biopsy because did not sample the lesion accurately
Need to rule out pheochromocytoma first
if biopsy Pheo can result in hypertensive crisis
exclude pheo clinically first
make sure adequate workup prior to performing adrenal biopsy