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CT Guided Biopsy


Date of procedure:

[ ]



Mass and need for tissue diagnosis



Sarel Gaur MD



Versed IV:  [ ] ml total

Fentanyl IV:  [ ] ml total



[ ] ml of Omnipaque intravenous


Fluoro time:

[ ] minutes


Access site(s):

[ ]



17 Gauge Hollow Cannula with Stylet

18 Gauge Biopince Biopsy Gun





Technique and Findings:


  1. Limited CAT scan of the [lesion] was performed for localization purposes.

  2. Following sterile prep and draping using standard aseptic technique, and following local lidocaine infusion, a 17 gauge cannula was used to access the lesion.

  3. Through the cannula [4] core biopsies were obtained with an 18 gauge biopsy gun.

  4. Cytotechnologist was present to check the adequacy of the specimen.

  5. All instruments were removed.

  6. A post-procedural CT was performed. 

  7. A sterile dressing was placed.

  8. Procedure Terminated. 



Successful CT Guided Biopsy of [ ].


Plan or Recommendations:

Will follow up biopsy results.  





CT Guided Lung Nodule Biopsy


Date of procedure:

[ ]



Lung nodule and need for tissue diagnosis.



Sarel Gaur MD



Versed IV:  [ ] ml total

Fentanyl IV:  [ ] ml total



[ ] ml of Omnipaque intravenous


Fluoro time:

[ ] minutes


Access site(s):

[ ]



17 Gauge Cannula with Stylet

21 gauge Percucut biopsy needles





Technique and Findings:


  1. Limited CAT scan of the [left thorax] was performed for localization purposes.

  2. Following sterile prep and draping using standard aseptic technique, and following local lidocaine infusion, an 18 gauge cannula was used to access the [left upper lobe] lesion.

  3. Through the cannula 3 fine needle aspirates were obtained with the 21 gauge Percucut needles.

  4. Cytotechnologist was present to check for adequacy of the samples.

  5. All instruments were removed.

  6. A limited CT was performed to exclude post procedural pneumothorax.

  7. A sterile dressing was placed.

  8. Procedure Terminated. 



Successful CT Guided Lung Nodule Biopsy.

[3] Fine needle aspirates sent to pathology.


Plan or Recommendations:

Will follow up biopsy results.  




CT Guided Bone Biopsy


Date of procedure:

[ ]



Bone lesion and need for tissue diagnosis



Sarel Gaur MD



Versed IV:  [ ] ml total

Fentanyl IV:  [ ] ml total



[ ] ml of Omnipaque intravenous


Fluoro time:

[ ] minutes


Access site(s):

[ ]



11G / 13G OnControl Bone Biopsy System





Technique and Findings:


  1. Limited CAT scan of the osseous lesion was performed for localization purposes.

  2. Following sterile prep and draping using standard aseptic technique, and following local lidocaine infusion, the osseous lesion was accessed using the 11G bone biopsy needle (stylet and cannula system)

  3. Once there was successful purchase of the lesion with the 11G access needle, the inner stylet was removed and the 13 gauge biopsy cutting cannula was advanced through the access needle.

  4. The 13 gauge cutting cannula was attached to the electric drill and a [2] cm core biopsy was obtained.

  5. A total of [2] core specimens were obtained.

  6. Cytotechnologist was present to check for adequacy of the samples.

  7. All instruments were removed.

  8. A limited CT was performed to exclude post procedural hematoma.

  9. A sterile dressing was placed.

  10. Procedure Terminated. 



Successful CT Guided Bone Biopsy.

[2] core biopsy specimens sent to pathology.


Plan or Recommendations:

Will follow up biopsy results.  


US Guided Nontargeted Liver Biopsy


Date of procedure:

[ ]



Liver disease and need for tissue diagnosis



Sarel Gaur MD



Versed IV:  [ ] ml total

Fentanyl IV:  [ ] ml total



[ ] ml of Omnipaque intravenous


Fluoro time:

[ ] minutes


Access site(s):

[ ]



17 Gauge Cannula with Stylet

18 Gauge Biopince Biopsy Gun





Technique and Findings:


  1. A limited ultrasound of the right lobe of the liver was performed for localization purposes.

  2. A chosen access site between the ribs in the mid axillary line was chosen, targeting the anterior superior right lobe of the liver.

  3. The area was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 

  4. Lidocaine was given for local anesthesia.

  5. Under constant ultrasound guidance, a region of parenchyma in the superior anterior right hepatic lobe was accessed with the 17G introducer needle.

  6. Through the introducer needle 2 core specimens were obtained with the Biopince biopsy gun.

  7. All instruments were removed.

  8. A sterile dressing was placed.

  9. Procedure Terminated. 



Successful US guided nontargeted Liver Biopsy.

2 core specimens sent to pathology.


Plan or Recommendations:

Will follow up biopsy results.  

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