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PTC - As it is - LGM method

bsaically use US or use fluoro

or use bof

L side is nice for US

R side is better for fluoro

typcal target is R inferio-post ducts however, ductal systems are extremely varied

you kinda go in the mid ax line and then advance the needle in the plane of the ducts

then tilt the tube and see how you did - just like LGM

its a mind twister but you gotta figure out if you in front or in back of the ducts

adjust your needle and try try again

evetulally you get really good

you can make tons of needle passes

ala KK (HK)

do it like the matrix 

make tons of passes till the wire passes

always watch under 3 mag of fluoro

"fluoro it" - LGM


using tube rotation to tell where you are

if on the AP you are in line with the duct

and you rotate the towards the head (II towards head)

if your in front of the duct- will project below

if behind duct - will project above

if you go RAO- if needle in front will project to left

if go LAO, if needle in front will project right

guaranteed ill forget this in the case


re. biliary stenting

can perform biliary stenting with 10 mm viabil stent when life expect is approx 6-12 mths

can extend stents into R and L sided ducts using bare metal self exp stents such as protege, with CG placed drug eluting Zilvers (PTX) in the bile ducts

if the pt returns with jaundice, can consider doing percutaneous balloon sweeping of the stents

consider placing anchor in the bile access prior to dc'ing after placing indwelling stent.  This is an amplatz anchor placing in a peripheral duct

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