Interventional Radiologist
how to do a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram (PTC)
hopefully theyre obstructed, could make it easier
use the Bos Sci Flexima 10F, 35 cm firm biliary catheter
can use similar 21G access set used for nephrostomy, either Greb, or Uresil kit
10-12 F dilators
?? anything else
classic teaching is to enter the right sided ducts in following fashion:
10-11 rib interspace, just anterior to mid-ax line, and aiming needle towards the T12 or L1 vertebral body
anterior ducts project inferior (right lobe)
posterior ducts project superior (right lobe)
using the 21 gauge trocar needle, advance the needle in the path as above
with needle in place, then remove stylet, attach 50% contrast with tubing to the cannula and infuse contrast as you pull back looking for opacification of a duct. you may see blood vessels, portal vein, hepatic veins, HA. biliary contrast should stagnate a bit, appear tubular and enlarged in the case of obstruction
can consider two stick technique where you puncture centrally to opacify the ducts and then puncture again peripherally to get a "biliary radical"
of note want to stay peripheral to prevent bleeding (hemobilia down the line and poss. PSA formation)
once have access, want to send the 018 wire in the kit down into the biliary system
if possible want to get past obstruction and get access to duodenum to place int-ext drain
after wire is down, exchange needle cannula for 5F transitional sheath dilator, goal is to get 035 wire down
can use amplatz (preferred) but can use glidewire to pass obs if need be, then change over via glidecath or berenstein
once have amplatz access through radical and with distal tip in duodenum with purchase, start placing int-ext catheter
use dilators to dilate subcu tract
difficult part is getting catheter over potential hump in alignment of the wire due to access in a inferior duct relative to the hilum
once get past this with stiff part, advance catheter till distal coil within bowel
want side holes in bowel and proximal side holes proximal to obstructed ducts. basically want to bridge the obstruction with sideholes above and below obstruction (form of stenting)
once catheter in place take final image and can infuse contrast to prove function of catheter
place external drain bag and drain stitch. case complete
How to perform brush biopsy
usually if there is biliary obstruction, could be bile duct malignancy, ie klatskin
want to obtain sample of cells
the brush biopsy instrument is like that thing that is used to floss teeth
advance a sheath over the amplatz until you are at the lesion
place biopsy device into sheath
unsheath device and swirl instrument to obtain cells
resheath the device and remove instrument and sheath
place device into sterile specimen cup
how to change a large french size biliary catheter such as for benign biliary stricture protocol
use a berenstein or other angled catheter and twirl to get past sideholes
then place amplatz to deform distal pig
can do sheath cholangiogram, 7F sheath has radiopaque marker and is helpful is also simliar size to 8F catheter
to do clamshell biopsy
advance sheath to level of stricture or narrowwing
advance device to level
in some sense you want to unsheath the device
the device tells you how to open and close
can wedge device into tissue
take a few biopsies
to place drain
simply place over amplatz as any other